0014 | Reduced risk of insulin-dependent diabetes among breastfed children | Mayer EG, Hamman RF, et al. | USA |
0015 | Infant feeding in children < 7 years of age with newly diagnosed insulin-dependant diabetes | Virtanen SM, Rasanen L, et al. | Finland |
0016 | Relationship between breastfeeding and incidence rates of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus | Borch-Johnson K, Joner G, et al. | Norway and Sweden |
0020 | Breast-feeding and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis: population based case control study | Pisacane A, De Luca U, et al. | Naples, Italy |
0021 | Breastfeeding and tonsillectomy | Pisacane A, Impagliazzo N, et al. | Naples, Italy |
0022 | Breastfeeding and multiple sclerosis | Pisacane A, Impagliazzo N, et al. | Naples, Italy |
0023 | Breastfeeding and incidence of non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus in Pima Indians | Pettitt DJ, Forman MR, et al. | |
0024 | Infant feeding and childhood cancer | Davis MK, Savitz DA, Graubard BI | Denver, USA |
0028 | Breastfeeding and the development of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis | Mason T, Rabinovich CE, et al. | USA |
0029 | Infant breastfeeding and the risk of childhood lymphoma and leukaemia | Shu XO, et al. | China |
0030 | Breastfeeding, dummy use and adult intelligence | Gale CR, Martin CN | England |
0031 | Breast milk and subsequent intelligence quotient in children born preterm | Lucas A, Morley R, et al. | England |
0036 | Breastfeeding and inguinal hernia | Pisacane A, De Luca U, et al. | Italy |
0037 | Breastfeeding and acute appendicitis | Pisacane A, De Luca U, et al. | Naples, Italy |
0039 | Breastfeeding, dummy use and adult intelligence | Various | N/A |
0041 | Breast-feeding and tonsillectomy | Pisacane A, Impagliazzo N, et al. | Naples, Italy |
0042 | Influence of breastfeeding on subsequent reactivity to related renal allograft. | Kois WE | |
0043 | Maternal and other factors of cryptorchidism; a case control study in Japan. | Mori M, et al. | Japan |
0044 | Evidence for protection by breastfeeding against infant death from infectious diseases in Brazil. | Victoria CG, Smith PG, et al. | Brazil |
0045 | Prolonged breastfeeding as prophylaxis for recurrent otitis media | Saarinen UM | Sweden |
0046 | Epidemiology of otitis media during the first seven years of life in children in greater Boston: a prospective cohort study | Teele DW, et al. | Boston, USA |
0047 | Chronic granulomatous otitis media in bottle fed Inuit children | Timmermans FJW, Gerson S | Canada |
0048 | Case control study on nutritional risk factors in coeliac disease | Greco L, Auricchio S, et al. | Italy |
0049 | Role of infant feeding practices in the development of Crohn's disease in childhood | Koletzko S, Sherman P, et al. | Germany |
0050 | Bottle feeding, early gastroenteritis and inflammatory bowel disease | Whorwell PJ, Holdstock G, et al. | UK |
0078 | Infant feeding, wheezing and allergy: a prospective study | Burr ML, Limb ES, et al. | South Wales |
0079 | Infant breastfeeding and the risk of childhood lymphoma and leukaemia | Shu XO, et al. | China (Shanghai) |
0080 | Daidzein and genistein concentrations in human milk after soya consumption | Frank A, et al. | |
0081 | Early diet of preterm infants and bone mineralisation at age five years. | Bishop N, et al. | |
0082 | Birth weight and non-insulin dependent diabetes: thrifty genotype, thrifty phenotype, or surviving small baby genotype | McCance DR, Pettitt DJ, et al. | Gila River Indian Community, Arizona, USA |
0124 | Pertussis vaccination and asthma: is there a link? | Odent MR, Culpin EE, Kimmel T | Primal Health Research Centre, London, England |
0128 | Breast-feeding and later cognitive and academic outcomes | Horwood LJ, Fergusson DM | New Zealand |
0129 | Neurological conditions in 18 month old children perinatally exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins | Huisman M, Koopman-Esseboom C, et al. | Netherlands |
0130 | Effects of polychlorinated biphenyl/dioxin exposure and feeding type on infants' mental and psychomotor development | Koopman-Esseboom C, Weiglas-Kuperus N, et al. | Netherlands |
0131 | Cognitive deficit in 7-year-old children with prenatal exposure to methylmercury | Grandjean P, Weihe P, et al. | Faroe Islands |
0137 | Measles and atopy in Guinea-Bissau | Shaheen SO, Aaby P, et al. | Guinea-Bissau |
0138 | Relationship of infant feeding to recurrent wheezing at age 6 years | Wright AL, Holberg CJ, et al. | Tucson, Arizona |
0157 | Relation of infant diet to childhood health: seven years follow-up of cohort of children in Dundee infant feeding study | Wilson AC, Forsyth JS, et al. | Dundee, Scotland |
0188 | Protective effect of breast-feeding on invasive haemophilus influenza infection: a case control study in Swedish pre-school children | Silfverdal SA, et al. | Sweden |
0189 | Epidemiology of specific language impairment: prenatal and perinatal risk factors. | Tomblin JB, et al. | USA |
0252 | Breastfeeding as prophylactics against atopic disease: prospective follow-up study until 17 years old | Saarinen UM, Kajosaari M | Finland |
0265 | Breastfeeding and obesity: cross sectional study | Von Kries R, Koletzko B, et al. | Bavaria, southern |
0266 | Impact of breastfeeding on admission for pneumonia during postneonatal period in Brazil: nested case-control study. | Cesar JA, Victoria CG, et al. | Southern Brazil. |
0274 | Continued breastfeeding and child growth in the second year of life: a prospective cohort study in western Kenya. | Onyango AW, Esrey SA, Kramer MS | Kenya |
0286 | Exposure to breastmilk in infancy and the risk of breast cancer | Freudenheim JL, Marshall JR, Graham S, et al. | Western New York State. USA |
0291 | Exposure to breastmilk in infancy and the risk of breast cancer | Freudenheim JL, Marshall JR, et al. | USA |
0297 | Perinatal and neonatal determinants of childhood type 1 diabetes | McKinney PA, Parslow R, Gurney, et al. | Yorkshire, UK |
0306 | No association between breast-feeding and adult psychosis in two national birth cohorts | Leask SJ, Done DJ, Crow TJ, et al. | UK |
0316 | Early nutrition in preterm infants and later blood pressure: two cohorts after randomised trials | Atul Singhal, Tim J Cole, Alan Lucas | UK |
0317 | Environmental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins. Consequences for longterm neurological and cognitive development of the child lactation. | Boersma ER, Lanting CI. | The Netherlands. |
0318 | Breastfeeding and neurological outcome at 42 months. | Lanting CI, Patandin S, Weisglas-Kuperus N, Touwen BC, Boersma ER. | The Netherland |
0319 | Prenatal and postnatal factors in predicting later blood pressure among children: cardiovascular risk in young Finns. | Taittonen L, Nuutinen M, Turtinen J, Uhari M. | Finland |
0321 | Relationship between breast milk feeding and atopic dermatitis in children. | Nakamura Y, Oki I, Tanihara S, et al. | Japan |
0322 | Relation of infant feeding to adult serum cholesterol concentration and death | Fall CHD. Barker DJP. Osmond C, et al. | UK |
0323 | Programming of cholesterol metabolism by breast or formula feeding.Programming of cholesterol metabolism by breast or formula feeding. | Mott GE, Lewis DS, McGill HC Jr. | USA |
0327 | Environmental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins. Consequences for longterm neurological and cognitive development of the child lactation. | Boersma ER, Lanting CI. | The Netherlands |
0328 | Association Between Infant Breastfeeding and Overweight in Young Children | Mary L. Hediger, PhD; Mary D. Overpeck, DrPH; Robert J. Kuczmarski, DrPH, RD; W. June Ruan | USA |
0329 | Risk of Overweight Among Adolescents Who Were Breastfed as Infants | Carlos A. Camargo, Jr, MD, DrPH; Catherine S. Berkey, ScD; A. Lindsay Frazier, MD, MPH; Helaine R. H. Rockett, MS, RD; Alison E. Field, ScD; Graham A. Colditz, MD, DrPH | USA |
0330 | Effect of the baby-friendly initiative on infant abandonment in a Russian hospital. | Lvoff NM, Lvoff V, Klaus MH. | Russia |
0365 | Breast milk feeding and cognitive ability at 7-8 years | Horwood LJ, Darlow BA, Mogridge N | New Zealand |
0367 | Breast-feeding and the onset of atopic dermatitis in childhood: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. | Gdalevich M, Mimouni D, David M, Mimouni M. | Israel |
0368 | Breast-feeding and the risk of bronchial asthma in childhood: a systematic review with meta-analysis of prospective studies. | Breast-feeding and the risk of bronchial asthma in childhood: a systematic review with meta-analysis of prospective studies. | Israel |
0377 | The Association Between Duration of Breastfeeding and Adult Intelligence | Mortensen EL, Michaelsen KF, Sanders SA, Reinisch JM | Denmark |
0379 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus in children: prenatal and early infancy risk factors among native canadians | Type 2 diabetes mellitus in children: prenatal and early infancy risk factors among native canadians | Canada |
0386 | Infant feeding and blood cholesterol: a study in adolescents and a systematic review | Owen CG, Whincup PH, Odoki K, Gilg JA, Cook DG | UK |
0388 | Long-term relation between breastfeeding and development of atopy and asthma in children and young adults: a longitudinal study | Sears MR, Greene JM, Willan AR, et al. | New Zealand |
0414 | Association between breast feeding and growth: the Boyd-Orr cohort study | Martin RM, Smith GD, Mangtani P, Frankel S, Gunnell D | UK |
0415 | Breast-feeding protects against celiac disease1 | Anneli Ivarsson, Olle Hernell, Hans Stenlund and Lars Åke Persson | Sweden |
0430 | Breastfeeding and childhood cancer risks: OSCC data | Lancashire RJ, Sorahan T | UK |
0436 | Perinatal characteristics and risk of rheumatoid arthritis | Jacobsson LT, Jacobsson ME, et al. | Sweden |
0439 | Can Breast-Feeding Protect against Schizophrenia?. Case-Control Study | Amore M, Balista C, McCreadie RG, Cimmino C, Pisani F, Bevilacqua G, Ferrari G | Italy |
0450 | Anthropometry and body composition of 18 year old men according to duration of breast feeding: birth cohort study from Brazil | Victora CG, Barros F, Lima RC, Horta BL, Wells J | Brazil |
0451 | Breast feeding and obesity in childhood: cross sectional study | Li L, Parsons TJ, Power C | UK |
0461 | Does Breast-Feeding in Infancy Lower Blood Pressure in Childhood? The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). | Martin RM, Ness AR, Gunnell D, Emmett P, Smith GD | UK |
0462 | The introduction of solids in relation to asthma and eczema | Zutavern A, von Mutius E, Harris J, Mills P, Moffatt S, White C, Cullinan P | UK |
0468 | Early infant multivitamin supplementation is associated with increased risk for food allergy and asthma | Milner JD, Stein DM, McCarter R, Moon RY | USA |
0531 | Environmental risk factors in paediatric inflammatory bowel diseases: a population based case control study | Baron S, Turck D, Leplat C, Merle V, Gower-Rousseau C, Marti R, Yzet T, Lerebours E, Dupas JL, Debeugny S, Salomez JL, Cortot A, Colombel JF | France |
0538 | Breastfeeding, very long polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and IQ at 6 1/2 years of age | Gustafsson PA, Duchen K, Birberg U, Karlsson T | Sweden |
0545 | Long-term impact of breast-feeding on body weight and glucose tolerance in children of diabetic mothers: role of the late neonatal period and early infancy | Rodekamp E, Harder T, Kohlhoff R, Franke K, Dudenhausen JW, Plagemann A | Germany |
0556 | Duration of breastfeeding and risk of overweight: a meta-analysis | Harder T, Bergmann R, Kallischnigg G, Plagemann A | Germany |
0582 | Breastfeeding and risk of schizophrenia in the Copenhagen Perinatal Cohort | Sorensen HJ, Mortensen EL, Reinisch JM, Mednick SA | Denmark |
0609 | Impact of early dietary intake and blood lipid composition of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on later visual development | Hoffman DR, Birch EE, Birch DG, Uauy R, Castaneda YS, Lapus MG, Wheaton DH | USA |
0612 | Full breastfeeding duration and associated decrease in respiratory tract infection in US children | Chantry CJ, Howard CR, Auinger P | USA |
0613 | Early weaning and hospitalization with alcohol-related diagnoses in adult life | Sorensen HJ, Mortensen EL, Reinisch JM, Mednick SA. | Denmark |
0625 | Prenatal and perinatal risk factors for breast cancer in young women | Weiss HA, Potischman NA, Brinton LA, Brogan D, Coates RJ, Gammon MD, Malone KE, Schoenberg JB | USA |
0626 | Being breastfed in infancy and breast cancer incidence in adult life: results from the two nurses' health studies | Michels KB, Trichopoulos D, Rosner BA, Hunter DJ, Colditz GA, Hankinson SE, Speizer FE, Willett WC | USA |
0627 | Exposure to breast milk in infancy and adult breast cancer risk | Titus-Ernstoff L, Egan KM, Newcomb PA, Baron JA, Stampfer M, Greenberg ER, Cole BF, Ding J, Willett W, Trichopoulos D. | USA |
0650 | Breast-feeding Duration and Childhood Acute Leukemia and Lymphomas in a Sample of Turkish Children | Altinkaynak S, Selimoglu MA, Turgut A, Kilicaslan B, Ertekin V | Turkey |
0654 | Breast feeding in infancy and social mobility: 60-year follow-up of the Boyd Orr cohort | Martin RM, Goodall SH, Gunnell D, Davey Smith G | UK |
0677 | The Effect of Prolonged and Exclusive Breast-Feeding on Dental Caries in Early School-Age Children. New Evidence from a Large Randomized Trial | Kramer MS, Vanilovich I, Matush L, Bogdanovich N, Zhang X, Shishko G, Muller-Bolla M, Platt RW | Canada |
0678 | Effect of prolonged and exclusive breast feeding on risk of allergy and asthma: cluster randomised trial | Kramer MS, Matush L, Vanilovich I, Platt R, Bogdanovich N, Sevkovskaya Z, Dzikovich I, Shishko G, Mazer B | Canada |
0680 | Effect of breastfeeding on lung function in childhood and modulation by maternal asthma and atopy | Guilbert TW, Stern DA, Morgan WJ, Martinez FD, Wright AL | USA |
0683 | Breastfeeding and developmental delay: findings from the millennium cohort study | Sacker A, Quigley MA, Kelly YJ | UK |
0690 | Breast-feeding and type 2 diabetes in the youth of three ethnic groups: the SEARCh for diabetes in youth case-control study | Mayer-Davis EJ, Dabelea D, Lamichhane AP, D'Agostino RB Jr, Liese AD, Thomas J, McKeown RE, Hamman RF | USA |
0709 | Does initial breastfeeding lead to lower blood cholesterol in adult life? A quantitative review of the evidence | Owen CG, Whincup PH, Kaye SJ, et al. | UK |
0710 | Breast-feeding, but not oral contraceptives, is associated with a reduced risk of rheumatoid arthritis | Pikwer M, Bergstrom U, Nilsson JA, et al. | Sweden |
0789 | Protective effect of exclusive breastfeeding against infections during infancy: a prospective study | Ladomenou F, Moschandreas J, Kafatos A, et al. | Greece |
0794 | Breastfeeding duration and academic achievement at 10 years. | Oddy WH, Li J, et al. | Australia |
0808 | Duration and exclusiveness of breastfeeding and childhood asthma-related symptoms. | Jaddoe VV, et al. | Netherlands |
0809 | The relation of breastfeeding and body mass index to asthma and atopy in children: a prospective cohort study to age 6 years | Sherriff JL, et al. | Australia |
0863 | Breastfeeding may protect from developing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. | Mimouni-Bloch A, Kachevanskaya A, et al. | Israel |
0903 | Breastfeeding duration and cognitive, language and motor development at 18 months of age: Rhea mother-child cohort in Crete, Greece. | Leventakou V, Roumeliotaki T, et al. | Greece |
0913 | Increased food diversity in the first year of life is inversely associated with allergic diseases. | Roduit C, Depner M, et al. | Switzerland |
0920 | Association between breastfeeding and intelligence, educational attainment, and income at 30 years of age: a prospective birth cohort study from Brazil. | Victoria CG, Horta BL, etc.. | Brazil |
0923 | Maternal obesity, environmental factors, cesarean delivery and breastfeeding as determinants of overweight and obesity in children: results from a cohort. | Portela DS, Vieira TO, et al. | Brazil |
0926 | The Impact of Breastfeeding on Early Childhood Obesity: Evidence From the National Survey of Children's Health. | Hansstein FV | USA |
0927 | Breastfeeding and Childhood Leukemia Incidence: A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review. | Amitay EL | Israel |
0942 | Breastfeeding and IQ Growth from Toddlerhood through Adolescence. | von Stumm S, Plomin R | UK |
0947 | Long-term consequences of breastfeeding on cholesterol, obesity, systolic blood pressure and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. | Horta BL, et al. | Brasil |
0964 | Breastfeeding and maternal and infant health outcomes in developed countries. | Ip S, Chung M, et al | USA |
0976 | Association of Early-Life Antibiotic Use and Protective Effects of Breastfeeding: Role of the Intestinal Microbiota | Korpela K, Salonen A, et al | Finland |
0996 | Prolonged Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration Is Positively Associated with Risk of Anemia in Infants Aged 12 Months | Wang F, Liu H, et al | China |
1012 | Breastfeeding Duration and Childhood Caries: A Cohort Study. | Pitiphat W, et al | Thailand |
1014 | Breastfeeding and Timing of First Dietary Introduction in Relation to Childhood Asthma, Allergies, and Airway Diseases: A Cross-sectional Study. | Huang C, Liu W, et al | China |
1033 | The association of breastfeeding with insulin resistance at 17 years: Prospective observations from Hong Kong's "Children of 1997" birth cohort. | Hui LL, Kwok MK, et al | Hong kong |
1070 | Duration and exclusiveness of breastfeeding and risk of childhood atopic diseases. | Elbert NJ, van Meel ER, et al | Netherlands |
1072 | Age at Introduction of Solid Food and Obesity Throughout the Life Course | Tahir MJ, Michels KB, et al | USA |