Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: synthetic oxytocin

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0810Perinatal Pitocin as an early ADHD biomarker: neurodevelopmental risk?Kurth L, Haussmann R USA
0853Parental depression, maternal antidepressant use during pregnancy, and risk of autism spectrum disorders: population based case-control study.Rai D, Lee BK, et al. Sweden
0859Autism and mental retardation among offspring born after in vitro fertilization.Sandin S, Nygren KG, et al. Sweden
0865Association of Autism With Induced or Augmented Childbirth in North Carolina Birth Record (1990-1998) and Education Research (1997-2007) Databases.Gregory SG, Anthopolos R, et al. USA
0891Perinatal Pitocin as an early ADHD biomarker: neurodevelopmental risk?Kurth L, Haussmann R USA
0908Neurodevelopmental disorders and prenatal residential proximity to agricultural pesticides: the CHARGE study.Shelton JF, Geraghty EM,, et al. USA
0909Perinatal and neonatal risk factors for autism: a comprehensive meta-analysis.Gardener H, Spiegelman D, et al. USA
0924Oxytocin-augmented labor and risk for autism in males.Weisman O, Carter CS, et al. Denmark
1064Increased Risk of Autism Development in Children Whose Mothers Experienced Birth Complications or Received Labor and Delivery Drugs.Smallwood M, Baker E, et al USA