Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: ventouse

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0001Long term effects of vacuum and forceps deliveriesSeidman DS, Laor A, Gale R, et al. Israel
0002Boys born by forceps and vacuum extraction examined at 18 years of ageNilsen ST, et al. Bergen, Norway
0262Very preterm birth, birth trauma, and the risk of anorexia nervosa among girlsCnattingius S, Hultman CM, et al., et al., Mortensen PB Sweden
0314Obstetric complications and asthma in childhood.Xu B, Pekkanen J, Jarvelin MR, et al., Mortensen PB Finland
0469Perinatal factors and development of islet autoimmunity in early childhood: the diabetes autoimmunity study in the youngStene LC, Barriga K, Norris JM, Hoffman M, Erlich HA, Eisenbarth GS, McDuffie RS Jr, Rewers M USA
0642Being born small for gestational age increases the risk of severe pre-eclampsiaZetterstrom K, Lindeberg S, Haglund B, Magnuson A, Hanson U, Adami HO, Trichopoulos D. Sweden
0681Obstetric conditions and risk of first admission with schizophrenia: A Danish national register based studyByrne M, Agerbo E, Bennedsen B, Eaton WW, Mortensen PB, Ciccone G, Brunetti L, Chellini E, Corbo G, La Grutta S, Lombardi E, Piffer S, Talassi F, Biggeri A, Pearce N Denmark
1098The effect of medical and operative birth interventions on child health outcomes in the first 28 days and up to 5 years of age: A linked data population-based cohort study.Peters LL, Thornton C, et al Australia