Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: starvation

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0106Obesity in young men after famine exposure in utero and early infancyRavelli GP, Stein ZA, Susser MW Western Holland and Columbia Uni. (New York)
0107Does malnutrition in utero determine diabetes and coronary heart disease in adulthood? Results from the Leningrad siege study, a cross sectional studyStanner SA, Bulmer K, et al. Leningrad, Russia
0127Glucose tolerance in adults after prenatal exposure to famineRavelli ACJ, Van Der Meulen, et al. Amsterdam, Netherlands
0219No increased mortality in later life for cohorts born during famineKannisto V, Christensen K, Vaupel JW Finland
0238Timing of prenatal starvation in women and birth weight in the first and second born offspring: the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort studyLumey LH, Stein AD, Ravelli ACJ Netherlands
0250Famine, third trimester pregnancy weight gain, and intrauterine growth: the Dutch famine birth cohort studyStein AD, Ravelli ACJ, Lumey LH Netherlands