0005 | Obstetric pain medication and eventual adult amphetamine addiction in offspring | Jacobson B, Nyberg K, et al. | Stockholm, Sweden |
0006 | Opiate addiction in adult offspring through possible imprinting after obstetric treatment | Jacobson B, Nyberg K, et al. | Stockholm, Sweden |
0007 | Socio-economic versus obstetric risk factors for drug addiction in offspring | Nyberg K, Allebeck P, Eklund G, Jacobson B | Sweden |
0008 | Obstetric medication versus residential area as perinatal risk factors for subsequent adult drug addiction in offspring | Nyberg K, Allebeck P, Eklund G, Jacobson B | Sweden |
0012 | Autistic and developmental disorders after general anaesthetic delivery | Hattori R, et al., Gillberg C, Ornitz E, Kuriya N, Murakami Y, Fukuda S, Hashimoto T, Yamashita F. | Japan |
0032 | Studies of perinatal events as potential risk factors for adult drug abuse | Nyberg K | Stockholm |
0257 | Infant outcome following labor induction | Friedman EA, Sachtleben MR, Wallace AK | USA |
0295 | Perinatal medication as a potential risk factor for adult drug abuse in a North American cohort | Nyberg K, Buka SL, Lipsitt LP | USA |
0404 | Time trends in autism and in MMR immunization coverage in California | Dales L, Hammer SJ, Smith NJ, Schopler E, Kerr B, Hersh JH, Dean JC | USA |
0409 | Prenatal, perinatal, and neonatal factors in autism, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified, and the general population | Juul-Dam N, Townsend J, Courchesne E, Schopler E, Kerr B, Hersh JH, Dean JC | USA |
0410 | Pre- and perinatal factors in high-functioning females and males with autism | Lord C, Mulloy C, Wendelboe M, Schopler E, Kerr B, Hersh JH, Dean JC | USA |
0411 | Haloperidol-related dyskinesias and pre- and perinatal complications in autistic children | Armenteros JL, Adams PB, Campbell M, Eisenberg ZW, Kerr B, Hersh JH, Dean JC | USA |
0417 | Perinatal complications as predictors of infantile autism | Wilkerson DS, Volpe AG, Dean RS, Titus JB, Kerr B, Hersh JH, Dean JC | USA |
0432 | Fetal valproate syndrome and autism: additional evidence of an association | Williams G, King J, Cunningham M, Stephan M, Kerr B, Hersh JH, Dean JC | USA |
0433 | Autism in thalidomide embryopathy: a population study | Stromland K, Nordin V, Miller M, Akerstrom B, Gillberg C, Hallmayer JF, Dean JC | Sweden |
0440 | Evidence of brain overgrowth in the first year of life in autism | Courchesne E, Carper R, Akshoomoff N, de Klerk N, Chaney G, Hallmayer JF, Dean JC | USA |
0467 | Perinatal factors and the development of autism: a population study | Glasson EJ, Bower C, Petterson B, de Klerk N, Chaney G, Hallmayer JF, Dean JC | Australia |
0765 | Historical cohort study of in utero exposure to uterotonic drugs and cognitive function in young adult life | Sorensen HT, Sabroe S, et al. | Denmark |