0040 | Intelligence and behaviour in chidren born after in-vitro fertilisation treatment | Cederblad M, Friberg B, et al. | Sweden |
0102 | Psychological follow-up of children born after in-vitro fertilisation | Raoul-Duval A, Bertrand-Servais M, et al. | France |
0118 | Development of children born after ovarian superovulation induced by long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and menotropins, and by in-vitro fertilisation. | Ron-El R, Lahat E, et al. | Israel |
0120 | Families created by the new reproductive technologies: quality of parenting and social and emotional development of the children | Golombok S, Cook R, et al. | UK |
0210 | Post-natal growth and health in children born after cryopreservation as embryos | Wennerholm U-B, Albertsson-Wikland K, et al. | Sweden |
0231 | Mental development of 201 ICSI children at 2 years of age | Bonduelle M, Joris H, et al. | Belgium |
0231 | Mental development of 201 ICSI children at 2 years of age | Bonduelle M, Joris H, et al. | Belgium |
0245 | Cancer incidence in children conceived with assisted reproduction technology | Doyle P, Bunch KJ, et al. | UK |
0245 | Cancer incidence in children conceived with assisted reproduction technology | Doyle P, Bunch KJ, et al. | UK |
0272 | Deliveries and children born after in-vitro fertilisation in Sweden 1982-95: a retrospective cohort | Bergh T, Ericson A, et al. | Sweden |
0272 | Deliveries and children born after in-vitro fertilisation in Sweden 1982-95: a retrospective cohort | Bergh T, Ericson A, et al. | Sweden |
0366 | Neurological sequelae in children born after in-vitro fertilisation: a population-based study | Strömberg A, Dahlquist G, Ericson A, Finnstrom O, Köster M, Stjernqvist | Sweden |
0366 | Neurological sequelae in children born after in-vitro fertilisation: a population-based study | Strömberg A, Dahlquist G, Ericson A, Finnstrom O, Köster M, Stjernqvist | Sweden |
0559 | Hormonal effects in infants conceived by assisted reproductive technology | Rojas-Marcos PM, David R, Kohn B, Finnstrom O, Köster M, Stjernqvist | USA |
0615 | International collaborative study of intracytoplasmic sperm injection-conceived, in vitro fertilization-conceived, and naturally conceived 5-year-old child outcomes: cognitive and motor assessments | Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I, Bonduelle M, Barnes J, Nekkebroeck J, Loft A, Wennerholm UB, Tarlatzis BC, Peters C, Hagberg BS, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Belgium |
0616 | Psychological follow-up study of 5-year-old ICSI children | Ponjaert-Kristoffersen I, Tjus T, Nekkebroeck J, Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Belgium |
0814 | Effect of pregnancy planning and fertility treatment on cognitive outcomes in children at ages 3 and 5: longitudinal cohort study | Carson C, Kelly Y, Kohn B, Finnstrom O, Köster M, Stjernqvist | UK |
0850 | Asthma in children born after infertility treatment: findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. | Carson C, Sacker A, et al., Finnstrom O, Köster M, Stjernqvist | UK |
0859 | Autism and mental retardation among offspring born after in vitro fertilization. | Sandin S, Nygren KG, et al. | Sweden |
0860 | Fertility treatment and risk of childhood and adolescent mental disorders: register based cohort study. | Bay B, Mortensen EL, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Denmark |
0860 | Fertility treatment and risk of childhood and adolescent mental disorders: register based cohort study. | Bay B, Mortensen EL, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Denmark |
0871 | Maternal Infection During Pregnancy and Autism Spectrum Disorders. | Zerbo O, Qian Y, etc.., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | USA |
0871 | Maternal Infection During Pregnancy and Autism Spectrum Disorders. | Zerbo O, Qian Y, etc.., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | USA |
0872 | Is maternal influenza or fever during pregnancy associated with autism or developmental delays? Results from the CHARGE (CHildhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment) study. | Zerbo O, Iosif AM, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | USA |
0872 | Is maternal influenza or fever during pregnancy associated with autism or developmental delays? Results from the CHARGE (CHildhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment) study. | Zerbo O, Iosif AM, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | USA |
0883 | Is ovarian hyperstimulation associated with higher blood pressure in 4-year-old IVF offspring? Part II: an explorative causal inference approach. | Seggers J, Haadsma ML, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Belgium |
0883 | Is ovarian hyperstimulation associated with higher blood pressure in 4-year-old IVF offspring? Part II: an explorative causal inference approach. | Seggers J, Haadsma ML, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Belgium |
0892 | Folate concentrations during pregnancy and autistic traits in the offspring. The Generation R Study. | Steenweg-de Graaff J, Ghassabian A, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Holland |
0892 | Folate concentrations during pregnancy and autistic traits in the offspring. The Generation R Study. | Steenweg-de Graaff J, Ghassabian A, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Holland |
0894 | Perinatal and background risk factors for childhood autism in central China. | Duan G, Chen J, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | China |
0894 | Perinatal and background risk factors for childhood autism in central China. | Duan G, Chen J, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | China |
0896 | Autism spectrum disorders in IVF children: a national case-control study in Finland. | Lehti V, Brown AS, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Finland |
0896 | Autism spectrum disorders in IVF children: a national case-control study in Finland. | Lehti V, Brown AS, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG | Finland |
1000 | Assisted reproduction and child neurodevelopmental outcomes: a systematic review. | Bay B, Mortensen PB, Kesmodel US | Denmark |
1001 | Conception via in vitro fertilization and delivery by Caesarean section are associated with paediatric asthma incidence. | Guibas GV, Moschonis G, et al | Greece |
1002 | A descriptive study of asthma in young adults conceived by IVF. | Beydoun HA, et al | USA |
1003 | Asthma in Swedish children conceived by in vitro fertilisation. | Kallen B, Finnstrom O, et al | Sweden |
1004 | Follow-up of cognitive and motor development of 10-year-old singleton children born after ICSI compared with spontaneously conceived children. | Leunens L, Celestin-Westreich S, et al | Belgium |
1015 | Semen quality of young adult ICSI offspring: the first results. | Belva F, Bonduelle M, et al | Belgium |
1099 | Association Between Fertility Treatment and Cancer Risk in Children | Hargreave M, Jensen A, et al | Denmark |