Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: food allergy

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0252Breastfeeding as prophylactics against atopic disease: prospective follow-up study until 17 years oldSaarinen UM, Kajosaari M Finland
0446Is delivery by cesarean section a risk factor for food allergy?Eggesbo M, Botten G, Stigum H, Nafstad P, Magnus P Norway
0468Early infant multivitamin supplementation is associated with increased risk for food allergy and asthmaMilner JD, Stein DM, McCarter R, Moon RY USA
0589Early infant multivitamin supplementation is associated with increased risk for food allergy and asthmaMilner JD, Stein DM, McCarter R, Moon RY USA
0705Exposure to peanuts in utero and in infancy and the development of sensitization to peanut allergens in young childrenFrank L, Marian A, Visser M, et al. South Africa
0740 Is caesarean delivery associated with sensitization to food allergens and IgE-mediated food allergy: a systematic reviewKoplin J, Allen K, Gurrin L, et al. Australia
0782Season of the first trimester of pregnancy predicts sensitisation to food allergens in childhood: a population-based cohort study from FinlandPyrhonem K, Laara E, et al. Finland
0844Caesarean delivery and risk of atopy and allergic disease: meta-analyses.Bager P, Wohlfahrt J, Westergaard T Denmark
0913Increased food diversity in the first year of life is inversely associated with allergic diseases.Roduit C, Depner M, et al. Switzerland
0977Prenatal and early-life predictors of atopy and allergic disease in Canadian children: results of the Family Atherosclerosis Monitoring In earLY life (FAMILY) StudyBatool T, Reece L Canada