0173 | An association between maternal diet and colonic diverticulosis in an animal model | Wess L, Eastwood M, et al. | Scotland |
0174 | Early environmental regulation of forebrain gluto-corticoid receptor gene expression; implications for adreno-cortical responses to stress | Meaney MJ, et al. | Montreal, Canada |
0175 | The neurobiology of cognitive development | Goldman-Rakic PS, Issernoff A, et al. | USA |
0183 | Effect of prenatal stress on sexually dimorphic asymmetries in the cerebral cortex of the male rat | Fleming D.E, Anderson R.H | USA |
0190 | Prenatal exposure to phenobarbital and quantifiable alterations in the electroencephalogram of adult rat offspring | Livezey GT, Rayburn WF, Smith CV | Nebraska, USA |
0191 | Prenatal exposure to diazepam results in enduring reductions in brain receptors and deep slow wave sleep | Livezey GT, Radulovacki M, et al. | Nebraska, USA |
0192 | Prenatal diazepam; chronic anxiety and deficits in brain receptors in 1 year old rats | Livezey GT, Marczynski TJ, Isaac L | Nebraska, USA |
0193 | Enduring effects of prenatal diazepam on the behaviour, EEG and brain receptors on the adult cat progeny | Livezey GT, Marczynski TJ, Isaac L | Nebraska, USA |
0201 | Maternal diet affects feeding behaviour of self-selected weanling rats | Leprohon CE, Anderson GH | Toronto, Canada |
0215 | Pulmonary tumour induction by transplacental exposure to urethan | Larsen CD | USA |
0216 | Teratogenic and carcinogenic effects in the offspring after single injection of ethylnitrosourea to pregnant rats. | Druckrey H, Ivankovic S, Preussmann R | Germany |
0226 | Hormone dependent differentiation, maturation and function of the brain and sexual behaviour | Dorner G | Germany |
0228 | Hormones and sexual behaviour | Feder HH | USA |
0246 | Pulmonary vascular resistance in adult rats exposed to hypoxia in the neonatal period. | Hakim TS, Mortola JP | USA and Canada |
0264 | Augmented vasoreactivity in adult life associated with perinatal vascular insult | Sartori C, Alleman Y, et al. | Switzerland |
0323 | Programming of cholesterol metabolism by breast or formula feeding.Programming of cholesterol metabolism by breast or formula feeding. | Mott GE, Lewis DS, McGill HC Jr. | USA |
0335 | Prenatal stress alters circadian activity of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and hippocampal corticosteroid receptors in adult rats of both gender | Koehl M, Darnaudery M, Dulluc J, Van Reeth O, Le Moal M, Maccari S. | Bordeaux, France |
0337 | Early postnatal treatment with ACTH4-9 analog ORG 2766 improves adult spatial learning but does not affect behavioural stress reactivity. | Horvath KM, Meerlo P, Felszeghy K, Nyakas C, Luiten PG | The Netherlands |
0352 | Brief vs. long maternal separations in infancy: contrasting relationships with adult maternal behavior and lactation levels of aggression and anxiety | Boccia ML, Pedersen CA | USA |
0359 | Social stress during pregnancy and lactation affects in guinea pigs the male offsprings' endocrine status and infantilizes their behaviour | Kaiser S, Sachser N | Germany |
0360 | The social environment during pregnancy and lactation affects the female offsprings' endocrine status and behaviour in guinea pigs | Kaiser S, Sachser N | Germany |
0389 | Like mother, like daughter: evidence for non-genomic transmission of parental behavior and stress responsivity | Champagne F, Meaney MJ | Canada |
0405 | Oxytocin treatment during early life influences reproductive performance in ad libitum fed and food-restricted female rats | Sohlstrom A, Olausson H, Brismar K, Uvnas-Moberg K | Sweden |
0406 | Programming Effects of Short Prenatal Exposure to Dexamethasone in Sheep | Dodic M, Abouantoun T, O'Connor A, Wintour EM, Moritz KM | Australia |
0444 | Fetal exposure to a maternal low protein diet impairs nephrogenesis and promotes hypertension in the rat | Langley-Evans SC, Welham SJ, Jackson AA | UK |
0457 | Lifespan: Catch-up growth and obesity in male mice | SUSAN E. OZANNE AND C. NICHOLAS HALES | UK |
0534 | Sex differences in transgenerational alterations of growth and metabolism in progeny (F2) of female offspring (F1) of rats fed a low protein diet during pregnancy and lactation | Elena Zambrano, Paola María Martínez-Samayoa, Claudia Janet Bautista, Martha Deás, Lucía Guillén, Guadalupe Leticia Rodríguez-González, Carolina Guzmán, Fernando Larrea, and Peter Nathanielsz | USA |
0633 | Indole-3-carbinol in the maternal diet provides chemoprotection for the fetus against transplacental carcinogenesis by the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon dibenzo[a,l]pyrene | Yu Z, Mahadevan B, Lohr CV, Fischer KA, Louderback MA, Krueger SK, Pereira CB, Albershardt DJ, Baird WM, Bailey GS, Williams DE | USA |