Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: emotional state in pregnancy

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0177Prolonged, on-demand breast-feeding and dental caries - an investigationTorney H Dublin, Eire
0178Prenatal loss of father and psychiatric disordersHuttunen M, Niskanen P Finland
0181Prenatal stress and handedness among offspringEllis L, Peckham W USA
0183Effect of prenatal stress on sexually dimorphic asymmetries in the cerebral cortex of the male ratFleming D.E, Anderson R.H USA
0223Prenatal stress feminizes and demasculinizes the behaviour of malesWard IL USA
0225Stressful events in prenatal life of bi- and homosexual menDorner G, Schenk B, et al. Germany
0227Prenatal stress and possible aetiologic factors of homosexuality in human malesDorner G, Geier T, et al. Germany
0359Social stress during pregnancy and lactation affects in guinea pigs the male offsprings' endocrine status and infantilizes their behaviourKaiser S, Sachser N Germany
0360The social environment during pregnancy and lactation affects the female offsprings' endocrine status and behaviour in guinea pigsKaiser S, Sachser N Germany
0378Maternal antenatal anxiety and children's behavioural/emotional problems at 4 years. Report from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children.O'Connor TG, Heron J, Golding J, Beveridge M, Glover V. UK
Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0726 Stress during pregnancy affects general intellectual and language functioning in human toddlersLaplante DP, Barr RG, Brunet A, et al. Canada
0732Prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster predicts dermatoglyphic asymmetry in humansKing S, Mancini-MarĂ¯e A, Meaney MJ, Laplante DP, Hanson U Canada
0777Acute maternal stress in pregnancy and schizophrenia in offspring: a cohort prospective studyMalaspina D, Corcoran C, Kleinhaus KR, et al. Israel
0925DNA methylation signatures triggered by prenatal maternal stress exposure to a natural disaster: Project Ice Storm.Cao-Lei L, Massart R, et al. Canada
1055Prenatal loss of father during World War One is predictive of a reduced lifespan in adulthood.Todd N, Valleron AJ, et al France