0203 | A randomised double blind controlled trial of the value of stilbestrol therapy in pregnancy: long-term follow-up of mothers and their offspring. | Vessey MP, Fairweather DVI, et al. | London, England |
0486 | Parental separation at birth and depression in adulthood: a long-term follow-up of the Finnish Christmas Seal Home Children | Veijola J, Maki P, Joukamaa M, Laara E, Hakko H, Isohanni M | Finland |
0487 | Criminality in the offspring of antenatally depressed mothers: a 33-year follow-up of the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort | Maki P, Veijola J, Rasanen P, Joukamaa M, Valonen P, Jokelainen J, Isohanni M | Finland |
0529 | Parental bonding: a key factor for mental health of college women | Hall LA, Peden AR, Rayens MK, Beebe LH | USA |
0548 | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and other psychiatric outcomes in very low birthweight children at 12 years | Botting N, Powls A, Cooke RW, Marlow N | UK |
0643 | Prediction from low birth weight to female adolescent depression: a test of competing hypotheses | Costello EJ, Worthman C, Erkanli A, Angold A | USA |
0667 | Birth weight and the risk of depressive disorder in late life | Thompson C, Syddall H, Rodin I, Osmond C, Barker DJ | UK |
0744 | Prospective Relationship between Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Asthma Morbidity among Inner-City African American Children | Otsuki M, Eakin MN, et al. | USA |
0951 | Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children. | Sheehy O, et al | Canada |