Primal Health Research Databank: Keyword

Results for keywords: criminality

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0013Birth complications combined with early maternal rejection at age 1 year predispose to violent crime at age 18 yearsRaine A, et al. Copenhagen, Denmark.
0178Prenatal loss of father and psychiatric disordersHuttunen M, Niskanen P Finland
0307Interaction between birth complications and early maternal rejection in predisposing individuals to adult violence: specificity to serious, early-onset violenceRaine A, Brennan P, Mednick SA Denmark
0361Relationship of maternal smoking during pregnancy with criminal arrest and hospitalization for substance abuse in male and female adult offspringBrennan PA, Grekin ER, Mortensen EL, Mednick SA Denmark
0421Relationship of maternal smoking during pregnancy with criminal arrest and hospitalization for substance abuse in male and female adult offspringBrennan PA, Grekin ER, Mortensen EL, Mednick SA Denmark
0423Maternal smoking during pregnancy and severe antisocial behavior in offspring: a reviewWakschlag LS, Pickett KE, Cook E Jr, Benowitz NL, Leventhal BL USA
0485Parental separation at birth and criminal behaviour in adulthood--a long-term follow-up of the Finnish Christmas Seal Home childrenMaki P, Hakko H, Joukamaa M, Laara E, Isohanni M, Veijola J Finland
0487Criminality in the offspring of antenatally depressed mothers: a 33-year follow-up of the Northern Finland 1966 Birth CohortMaki P, Veijola J, Rasanen P, Joukamaa M, Valonen P, Jokelainen J, Isohanni M Finland
0699Association of prenatal and childhood blood lead concentrations with criminal arrests in early adulthoodWright JP, Dietrich KN, Ris MD, et al. USA
0897The effects of prenatal marijuana exposure on delinquent behaviors are mediated by measures of neurocognitive functioning.Day NL, Leech SL, Goldschmidt L USA