Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0892
Title:Folate concentrations during pregnancy and autistic traits in the offspring. The Generation R Study.
Author(s):Steenweg-de Graaff J, Ghassabian A, et al., Squires J, Verte D, Heimann M, Bonduelle M, Palermo G, Wennerholm UB, Berner A, Sutcliffe AG
Reference:Eur J Public Health. 2014 Jul 31. pii: cku126. [Epub ahead of print]
Place of Study:Holland
Abstract:In a population-based study, the authors examined the associations of maternal plasma folate concentrations at 13 weeks of gestation and prenatal folic acid supplement use with autistic traits in the offspring at the age of six years. Parent-reported autistic traits were assessed using the Social Responsiveness Scale short form. Maternal folate was not associated with autistic traits in the offspring. In contrast, prenatal folic acid use was associated with less child autistic traits.
Keyword(s):autism, autism, autistic spectrum disorder, folic acid, IVF, medicalised conception, medicalised conception, medically assisted fecundation, medically assisted fecundation
Discussion:No discussion mentioned for this entry
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