Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0867
Title: Impact of maternal prepregnancy dyslipidemia exposure on adult offspring lipid levels.
Author(s):Mendelson M, Lyass A, et al.
Reference:Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2013; October 17, 2013; Montreal, QC
Place of Study:Canada
Abstract:Using multigenerational data from the Framingham Heart Study , the authors found that if mothers had high prepregnancy LDL levels (a surrogate for intrauterine exposure), their offspring had a fivefold higher risk of having dyslipidemia themselves, as young adults—independent of obesity, smoking, and genetic risk factors for high LDL cholesterol.
Keyword(s):cholesterol, lipid profile, lipids levels
Discussion:No discussion mentioned for this entry
See Also:No related entries mentioned for this entry

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