Primal Health Databank: Study
Entry No: | 0545 |
Title: | Long-term impact of breast-feeding on body weight and glucose tolerance in children of diabetic mothers: role of the late neonatal period and early infancy |
Author(s): | Rodekamp E, Harder T, Kohlhoff R, Franke K, Dudenhausen JW, Plagemann A |
Reference: | Diabetes Care. 2005 Jun;28(6):1457-62 |
Place of Study: | Germany |
Abstract: | Offspring of diabetic mothers are at increased risk of developing overweight and impaired glucose tolerance. The authors had previously observed that early neonatal ingestion of breast milk from diabetic mothers may dose-dependently increase the risk of overweight in childhood. The authors investigated whether the milk from diabetic mothers intake during the late neonatal period and early infancy influences later adipogenic and diabetogenic risk in the offspring of diabetic mothers. A total of 112 children of diabetic mothers were evaluated for influence of milk ingestion during the late neonatal period (2nd-4th neonatal week) and early infancy on relative body weight and glucose tolerance in early childhood. Exclusive breast-feeding was associated with increased childhood relative body weight (P = 0.011). Breast-fed children had an increased risk of overweight (odds ratio 1.98 [95% CI 1.12-3.50]). Breast-feeding duration was also positively related to childhood relative body weight (P = 0.004) and 120-min blood glucose during an oral glucose tolerance test (P = 0.022). However, adjustment for the milk volume ingested during the early neonatal period, i.e., 1st week of life, eliminated all these relations with late neonatal breast-feeding and its duration. Interestingly, no relationship was observed between maternal blood glucose in the middle of the third trimester and the outcome. Neither late neonatal milk intake nor the duration of breast-feeding has an independent influence on childhood risk of overweight or impaired glucose tolerance in children of diabetic mothers. Therefore, the 1st week of life appears to be the critical window for nutritional programming in such children by ingestion of maternal "diabetic" breast milk. |
Keyword(s): | breastfeeding, diabetes, obesity |
Discussion: | No discussion mentioned for this entry |
See Also: | No related entries mentioned for this entry |
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