Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0289
Title:adult cardiovascular risk factors in premature babies
Author(s):Irving RJ, Belton NR, Elton RE, Walker BR
Reference:Lancet 2000; 355: 2135-35
Place of Study:Scotland
Abstract:72 mothers of low-birthweight (<2000 g) babies born between 1973 and 1975 were prospectively identified. The control group included the mothers of 54 normal birthweight (>2000 g) babies born on the same day and matched for sex, birth order, and father's social status. 81 of the original babies were contacted in 1998-99. Low-birthweight premature babies had higher adult blood pressure and fasting plasma glucose than normal birthweight controls. Among low-birthweight babies there was no difference in adult blood pressure or plasma glucose between those whose low birthweight was appropriate for gestational age and the others.
Keyword(s):birthweight, coronary heart disease, fetal growth, hyperglycemia, hypertension, prematurity
Discussion:Previous studies have documented the link between birthweight and adult cardiovascular risk factors among babies born at term. This study shows that babies who are small because of premature delivery are also at risk of hypertension and hyperglycemia as adults.
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