Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0195
Title:Prevalence of asthma symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in 12-14 year old children across Great Britain (international study of asthma and allergies in childhood, ISAAC UK)
Author(s):Kaur B, Anderson HR, et al.
Reference:BMJ 1998; 316: 118-24
Place of Study:UK
Abstract:27,507 pupils, aged 12-14 years, of 93 mixed secondary schools completed questionnaires. The prevalence of ever having had a diagnosis of asthma was 20.9%.It appears that factors that do vary geographically in Great Britain (climate, diet, outdoor environment) do not influence the frequency of asthma. The lower prevalence of asthma in children born outside but currently living in Great Britain does suggest a role for environment in early life.
Keyword(s):childhood asthma
Discussion:It is noticeable that the questionnaires did not include any question about vaccinations. See entries 0124-0126
See Also:0124, 0125, 0126

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