Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0175
Title:The neurobiology of cognitive development
Author(s):Goldman-Rakic PS, Issernoff A, et al.
Reference:In: Haith M.M., Campass J.J. (Eds) Handbook of child psychiatry vol. II; New York: Wiley 1983, 281-344
Place of Study:USA
Abstract:In monkeys, prenatal lesions of the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex can remain undetectable until sexual maturity when there is a catastrophic development of deficits in neuro-psychological tests which were performed adequately before.
Keyword(s):experimental Primal Health research, neuro-development, prefrontal cortex
Discussion:This is one of the studies where early events have no detectable effects before puberty. See entries 0176, 0172, 0155, 0034 and 0035.
See Also:0172, 0155, 0034, 0035

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