Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0174
Title:Early environmental regulation of forebrain gluto-corticoid receptor gene expression; implications for adreno-cortical responses to stress
Author(s):Meaney MJ, et al.
Reference:Dev Neurosci 1996; 18: 49-72
Place of Study:Montreal, Canada
Abstract:Pup rats were handled daily for the first 21 days after birth. Later on in life the handled rats reached lower levels of such hormones as ACTH and corticosteroids in response to wide variety of stressors. They also showed a faster return to basal levels following the termination of stress. The important point is that these differences are apparent as late as 24-26 months of age and indicate that the effects persist over the entire life of the animals.
Keyword(s):experimental Primal Health research, handling, set point level, skin contact
Discussion:Such data illustrates the concept of hormonal set point level that was introduced in “Primal Health” (1986).
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