Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0058
Title:Children from unwanted pregnancies in Prague, Czech Republic revisited at age thirty
Author(s):Kubicka L, Matejcek Z, et al.
Reference:Acta Psychiatr Scand 1995; 91: 361-9
Place of Study:Prague, Czech Republic
Abstract:The Prague study is based on a cohort of 220 subjects born to mothers who, between 1961 and 1963, were refused an abortion both on initial request and subsequent appeal. A pair matched control sample of children born of accepted pregnancies was established in 1970. The result of the fourth wave of the Prague study are reported. 190 were examined at age 30 together with pair matched control subjects. As in the previous data waves the unwanted pregnancies subjects manifest less favourable psycho-social development on average than the controls although the differences have narrowed.
Keyword(s):mental diseases, sociability, unwanted pregnancy
Discussion:No discussion mentioned for this entry
See Also:No related entries mentioned for this entry

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