Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0056
Title:Head circumference in 'preschizophrenic' and control neonates
Author(s):McNeil TF, Cantor-Graae E, et al.
Reference:Br J Psychiatry 1993; 162: 517-23
Place of Study:Malmo, Sweden
Abstract:A study of 70 schizophrenic patients and 70 demographically matched controls from the same delivery series, using information recorded in the medical records at the time of birth. With preterm babies removed from both samples, only head circumference among preschizophrenic infants was significantly smaller than controls. Preschizophrenic infants also had a disproportionately smaller head circumference in relation to body length than controls.
Keyword(s):fetal life, head circumference, schizophrenia
Discussion:Increasing and converging evidence suggests that cerebral anomalies develop prenatally in schizophrenia.
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