Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0052
Title:Whooping cough and Parkinson's disease
Author(s):De Pedro-Cuesta J, Gudmundsson G, et al.
Reference:Int J Epidemiology 1996; 25:1301-11
Place of Study:Iceland
Abstract:The highest reported Parkinson disease incidence for ages under 70 years are to be found in Iceland. Nine major whooping cough epidemics have been identified during the period 1869 to 1927.Those who spent their fetal life during a major whooping cough epidemic are at increased risk of having Parkinson's disease before the age of 70. The results are consistent with the reported effect of exposure to pertussis toxin in animal models.
Keyword(s):fetal life, Parkinson's disease, whooping cough
Discussion:No discussion mentioned for this entry
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