Primal Health Databank: Study

Entry No:0002
Title:Boys born by forceps and vacuum extraction examined at 18 years of age
Author(s):Nilsen ST, et al.
Reference:ACTA Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 1984, 63/6: 549-554
Place of Study:Bergen, Norway
Abstract:An 18 year follow up study of 62 males delivered by forceps and 38 by vacuum extraction in 1962-63. A significantly elevated mean intelligence score was found in the forceps group, while the vacuum group did not differ from the national average.
Keyword(s):forceps delivery, intellectual development, IQ, vacuum, ventouse
Discussion:This study is much smaller than a similar Israeli study. See entry 001 and 003
See Also:0003, 0001

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