Primal Health Research Databank: Author

Results for author: Harder T

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0544Birth Weight and Parental BMI Predict Overweight in Children From Mothers With Gestational DiabetesSchaefer-Graf UM, Pawliczak J, Passow D, Hartmann R, Rossi R, Buhrer C, Harder T, Plagemann A, Vetter K, Kordonouri OGermany
0545Long-term impact of breast-feeding on body weight and glucose tolerance in children of diabetic mothers: role of the late neonatal period and early infancyRodekamp E, Harder T, Kohlhoff R, Franke K, Dudenhausen JW, Plagemann AGermany
0556Duration of breastfeeding and risk of overweight: a meta-analysisHarder T, Bergmann R, Kallischnigg G, Plagemann AGermany
0727Birth weight and subsequent risk of childhood primary brain tumors: a meta-analysisHarder T, Plagemann A, Harder AUSA