Primal Health Research Databank: Author

Results for author: Phillips DI

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0484Birth weight, weight at 1 y of age, and body composition in older men: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort StudySayer AA, Syddall HE, Dennison EM, Gilbody HJ, Duggleby SL, Cooper C, Barker DJP, Phillips DIUK
0562Testing the fetal origins hypothesis in twins: the Birmingham twin studyBaird J, Osmond C, MacGregor A, Snieder H, Hales CN, Phillips DIUK
0668Birth weight, climate at birth and the risk of obesity in adult lifePhillips DI, Young JBUK
0669Low birth weight predicts elevated plasma cortisol concentrations in adults from 3 populationsPhillips DI, Walker BR, Reynolds RM, Flanagan DE, Wood PJ, Osmond C, Barker DJ, Whorwood CBUK, Australia
0760Cortisol responses to psychological stress in adults after prenatal exposure to the Dutch faminede Rooij SR, Painter RC, Phillips DI, et alNetherlands