Primal Health Research Databank: Author

Results for author: Martyn CN

Entry No.TitleAuthorsPlace of Study
0077Growth in utero and cognitive function in adult life: follow up study of people born between 1920 and 1943Martyn CN, Gale CR, Sayer AA, Fall CHDEngland
0083Growth in utero and serum cholesterol concentrations in adult lifeBarker DJP, Martyn CN, et al.Jessop and Northern General Hospitals, Sheffield, England
0287Impaired fetal growth and atheriosclerosis of carotid and peripheral arteriesMartyn CN, Gale CR, Jespersen S, Sherriff SBSheffield, UK
0302Blood pressure, arterial compliance and left ventricular mass: no relation to small size at birthKumaran K, Fall Ch, Martyn CNSouth India
0303Growth in utero, adult blood pressure, and arterial complianceMartyn CN, Barker DJP, et al.UK